Book Club

“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo

April 30, 2022

Sonia Singh MD
I'm a primary care doctor who is passionate about food, writing and making healthcare less frustrating and more empowering. These are my musings. Thanks for reading!

Okay so this may seem like a strange choice for a doctor’s book club but hear me out –

I don’t really care how exactly you fold your shirts, but I DO believe that a cluttered, disorganized environment contributes to the invisible loads we all carry AND everything we own has an energetic cost. As @gretchenrubin says, outer order can help bring inner calm 🧿

One of the take-home messages of this book, is to examine the things around you and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” 🤔

If an object doesn’t bring you joy or serve any purpose, think about getting rid of it. Otherwise it drains a tiny bit of your energy every time you see it. (i.e. that dress that’s just a little too tight, random decor items don’t match your current home, toys your kids are sick of).

In fact, one of my unconventional tips for patients who are interested in changing the way they eat is to start by cleaning out their closet. Having “aspirational” pieces usually aren’t motivating, they’re just triggers for #guilt and #shame that hold us back.

Have you read this? Did it change your life?

be well,
Sonia Singh MD

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