I’ve noticed something interesting lately- When I have a complex patient that’s had a lot of unresolved issues for a lot of years, they often start to believe, “No one can fix this.” When these patients would come to me on a packed clinic day with their stack of records, med and allergy lists a […]
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Do I really need a primary care doctor? I hear this question constantly from friends, family and sometimes even other doctors. These are their two most common excuses: “I’m healthy. I haven’t had to see a doctor in years!” So have you had your cholesterol checked? Do you know what your blood pressure runs? Are […]
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Most important thing your doctor can do for you: listen. In a 2018 study, researchers found that the median length of time a patient could speak before their doctor interrupted was 11 seconds. You read that right, SECONDS not minutes. Having been a PCP in a busy clinic this doesn’t surprise me – docs want […]
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May 3, 2020 is the day that changed the entire trajectory of my career as a physician. It is the day my son, Remi, was born. Being the geek that I am, I attempted to “study” for motherhood like it was a board exam. Rookie mistake… As anyone who’s been there will tell you, NOTHING […]
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